How We Help
Cognitive and Clinical Hypnotherapy is the best method for anyone looking to make meaningful changes in their life. By allowing the conscious mind to connect with the subconscious mind, clients can gain greater understanding and awareness of the underlying causes of their behavior and feelings. During the cognitive (awake, talk-therapy) portion of each session, clients can explore the "why" behind their actions and emotions. The hypnotherapist then uses hypnotherapy, like hypnotherapy for anger or hypnotherapy to quit smoking to positively change and reorganize the subconscious patterns that drive behavior. This approach is particularly effective for dealing with issues such as traumatic experiences, depression, anxiety and anger, as well as more specific issues such as quitting smoking. Through self-awareness and subconscious change, clients can achieve greater alignment and lead a more positive and productive life.
Weight Loss
Releasing unwanted weight through Cognitive and Clinical Hypnotherapy is about undoing those thought loops.
Reduce Stress
Stressful conditions occur when there are pressures, demands, or things that overburden or exceed the our mental and physical resources.
Quit Smoking
We typically think of stopping smoking, almost by definition, as a struggle.
Eating Disorder
When working with clients who suffer from eating disorders, I have found that they are typically open to adding Cognitive and Clinical Hypnotherapy strategies into their treatment plans.